teach children
self-lovecore valueshealthy boundariespositive self-talk
At Raising Conscious Children we believe that all children are special and born with unique gifts. We also believe that if a child’s gifts are nurtured, they can learn to thrive rather than merely survive. They can grow up happy, healthy, and whole. Aside from that just being amazing in its own right, a huge bonus to living from a place of wholeness is they can do what they love for a living AND make a positive, heartfelt contribution to the world to boot. Doesn’t that sound nice?
Our mission is to help children. But we can’t do that without YOU! Raising happy, healthy, and whole children takes a village. It’s not an I, or a me, it’s an US – the adults who love and cherish the children – the parents, teachers, families, and caregivers. We all want the best for the children we love, do we not?
So, where to begin? From our perspective it begins with self-love.
We begin by teaching children to live from a place of love, to be love, to emanate love, and therefore attract love. We let them in on the secret that they are already whole, and everything they need is already within them.
All of the work we do here at Raising Conscious Children has our mission in mind, from our children’s books to our instructional guides, to the work we do with parents and teachers.
for the Naughty Nicole & Visku Series
empowering life skills
Creating a Personal Safe Space
Speaking Your Truth
Cultivating Self-Love
Facilitating Positive Self-Talk
Determining Core Values
Practicing Self-Forgiveness
Setting Healthy Boundaries
Feeling and Validating Emotions
Listening to Your Gut
Expressing Emotions in Healthy Ways
Making Self-Honoring Choices
Creating a Safe Space for Sharing with Others
empowering life skills

Creating a Personal Safe Space
Cultivating Self-Love
Determining Core Values
Setting Healthy Boundaries
Listening to Your Gut
Making Self-Honoring Choices
Speaking Your Truth
Facilitating Positive Self-Talk
Practicing Self-Forgiveness
Feeling and Validating Emotions
Expressing Emotions in Healthy Ways
Creating a Safe Space for Sharing with Others
the children are saying
This class has helped me be a better leader and to understand different leadership qualities. I know that this learning is going to help me with communicating with others.
It has helped me in real life.
This class has helped me be a better leader.
This program has helped me not only inside the classroom, but outside of the classroom too. [In reference to the Assertive Communication Lesson] I used to be the passive kind of guy, but I am now at the assertive level.
I learned how to handle difficult situations in this class. I think that this was a great class and that some of the focused students learned a lot from it. I know I did.
It [this class] has helped me on what I should do when listening to serious conversations.
I enjoyed sharing in tripods about what’s going on [with me].
This [class] helps me with my parents, my teachers, and my friends.
from the adults
Very engaging, easy to follow lessons. Fills in the social-emotional gaps missing in our academic-focused curriculum.
As a 4th grade teacher I was fortunate enough to implement the program in my classroom. It was unbelievable to see such a break through and shift of energy from day one! Thanks to the multi sensory use of audio, read aloud, guided discussion, and students written or drawn responses. I was able to see students succeed in meditating and creating a safe place and I even had one student cry from her release of emotions she felt. It was so successful with my students that I brought it home to use with my own children. They are very empathetic and sensitive and this has really has helped them in their journey. I absolutely recommend it!
We listened to you read this morning on the drive to my parents. The kids were captivated. Alex (7 yrs old) kept asking why Mekhi wasn’t being nice to himself. Charlie (9 yrs old) said he wants to know more about Mekhi. Does he have siblings? Does his mom work? Thanks so much for this book!